Title: March: Book One
Authors: John Lewis and Andrew Aydin (Illustrated by Nate Powell*)
Pages: 128
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
ISBN: 9781603093002
Publication Date: August 13, 2013
AR Levels: Book Level - 4.6, Interest Level - 4th-8th grades, Points: 1.0
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17346698-march
In a nutshell: This 2014 Coretta Scott King Honor Book is the first of a trilogy chronicling the life of Congressman John Lewis, the Civil Rights Movement hero, in graphic novel format. Book one highlights his childhood and the beginning of his involvement with the Civil Rights Movement, including his participation in the non-violent movement and the sit-in demonstrations.
I'd recommend it to grades: 8 and up (for intense situations and use of the "n" word in context)
I'd recommend it to: American history teachers, students who love graphic novels and history, and fans of Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis
What I liked most about this book: I'll be honest; I'm not a huge fan of non-fiction, which is mostly why we don't review a lot of it here, but I am always up for reading graphic non-fiction, especially biographies, and this one impressed me greatly. There's something about seeing a person's life illustrated on the page that brings it alive, and this one is an excellent example of how artwork can make someone's life story so much more engaging and impactful. By seeing images of these sit-ins and not just reading about them, you can truly feel the tension and the courage it took for Lewis and his fellow protestors to stay true to their non-violent commitment. I was moved in more ways than one, and I even learned a few new things I had never known about the Civil Rights Movement. I can't wait for the other two books.
Single favorite moment (without getting spoiler-y): Lewis notes that his librarian played a large role in his life and encouraged him to read whatever he could get his hands on. :) Yay, libraries!
Star rating (where 5 stars is awesome and 0 stars is atrocious): 4 stars
*It also noted in the back of this book that Nate Powell is currently working on the graphic novel adaptation of Rick Riordan's The Lost Hero! Get excited!
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