Title: The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
Author: Tom Angleberger
Pages: 152
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
ISBN: 9780810984257
Publication date: March 1, 2010
AR Levels: Interest Level: 4th-8th, Book Level: 4.7, Points: 3.0
AR Levels: Interest Level: 4th-8th, Book Level: 4.7, Points: 3.0
In a nutshell: McQuarrie Middle School is just your typical middle school until the day quirky sixth-grader Dwight introduces his classmates to Origami Yoda, who as you may have guessed is an origami Yoda, but the crazy thing is that this origami Yoda seems to be alive and able to predict the future! Dwight's classmate and fellow lunch table sitter Tommy and his friends begin an investigation to find out whether or not Origami Yoda is real or just a way for Dwight to get attention, and things just get stranger and stranger. Before long every one wants to seek Origami Yoda's advice, and there's trouble for those who do not heed it.
I'd recommend it for grades: 4 to 8
I'd recommend it to: fans of Star Wars and/or Diary of a Wimpy Kid, boys, origami enthusiasts, reluctant readers (It's short and easy to read...and funny too!), and anyone looking for a good laugh
What I liked most about this book: The physical design of this book is excellent. The whole book reads like a case file journal of the class' encounters with Yoda, so the pages have a crumpled look to them with different fonts for different handwriting and doodles here and there of Star Wars characters and kids in the class. Plus, at the end there's instructions for making your own origami Yoda. I haven't tried it...yet! ;)
Single favorite moment (without getting spoiler-y): My favorite piece of advice that Yoda gives is to a boy who accidentally gets water on his pants in the bathroom and is mortified that people will think he peed in his pants. Wise Yoda says, "All of pants you must wet," and the boy just soaks the rest of his pants and shirt so it just looks like he got caught in the rain. Genius.
*If you like this one, check out the other two in the series: Darth Paper Strikes Back (book two) and The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee (book 3).
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