Title: Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer
Author: John Grisham
Pages: 288
Publisher: Penguin Group
ISBN: 9780142428696
Publication Date: May 25, 2010
AR Levels: Interest Level--4th to 8th; Book Level--5.2; Points--8
AR Levels: Interest Level--4th to 8th; Book Level--5.2; Points--8
Goodreads Link: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7824997-theodore-boone
In a Nutshell: Theodore Boone (Teddy to his parents, Theo to everyone else) is the 13-year old son of two lawyers. Needless to say, Theo knows more than his fair share about law and being a lawyer, and he even aspires to be a lawyer one day. When his town becomes abuzz with a very high-profile murder trial, Theo can't get enough of it. He gets his government class seats in the trial (through his connection with the judge) and he spends as much of his free time outside of school in the courtroom. His friends often ask him for legal advice, and this is also how Theo finds himself tangled up in the town's biggest murder trial.
I'd Recommend it for Grades: 6th-9th; this series is definitely written for younger teens, although it can be a good lead-in to Grisham's other books for older readers.
I'd Recommend it to: Any teens interested in being a lawyer or anything in the legal field. Also to anyone who likes reading about crime or mysteries.
What I Liked Most About This Book: Unlike most crime/legal books, this one does a good job of explaining legal terms and procedures without including a lot of "Hollywood"-type situations that can't actually happen in court.
Single Favorite Moment (without getting spoiler-y): As I said, Theo's friends go to him for legal advice. One of my favorite parts was when the school secretary asks him for advice in exchange for no-questions-asked about an unexcused absence from school.
Star Rating (where 5 stars is awesome and 0 stars is atrocious): I'm going with a 4. It doesn't pack the punch of Grisham's other novels, but it definitely fits the group it was written for.
***Note: There are already several follow-up books in this series.***
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