Title: A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy
Author: Alexandra Bracken
Number of CDs (I listened to the audiobook, and you should too!): 5
Publisher: Listening Library and Disney Lucasfilm
ISBN: 9781101891971
Publication Date: September 22, 2015
AR Levels: Book Level - 5.7, Interest Level - 4th-8th grades, Points - 7.0
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22716524-a-new-hope
In a nutshell: A long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away...yeah, you know what this is about. Do I really need to summarize it? Okay, fine. This is the tale of a girl and two guys. The girl is trying to save the galaxy from an evil regime, one guy is pirating his way through the stars and accidentally winds up aiding a rebellion, and the other guy is discovering that his destiny lies far beyond his desert home planet. When these three characters' tales intersect, the galaxy will never be the same again. *cue John Williams music*
I'd recommend it to grades: 3 and up (Let's be honest...all ages will love this.)
I'd recommend it to: Star Wars fans (obviously), adventure junkies, and those who like character-driven novels with plenty of action splashed in
What I liked most about this book: First
off...I listened to the audiobook of this, and I'm so glad I did. I
think I would have enjoyed the book, but the Star Wars music and sound
effects and incredible voice talents on this are AMAZING! Huge props to Marc Thompson and Rebecca Soler. As for
the content, I loved the insight you get into each of these three main
characters. Like many people, I've been a ginormous Star Wars fan for
longer than I can remember, and I thought I knew these characters pretty
well. However, this delved even more into the minds of Leia, Han, and
Luke. You hear Leia's inner struggle to prove herself to the Senate and
the Rebellion and mourn with her after she loses her home planet, you
laugh at Han's inner playboy yet realize that he's more than just a smug
smuggler, and you follow Luke's journey from naive moisture farmer to
confident and selfless Rebellion pilot and Jedi-in-training. Plus, much of the dialogue is straight from the movie! I may or may not have quoted it along with the book as I listened to it. Yeah, I definitely did. ;) I laughed, I
teared up (Yes, in the car! Haha!), I nerded out, and I applauded
Alexandra Bracken for writing a worthy Star Wars retelling that lives up
to the original. Brava, Ms. Bracken, brava!
Single favorite moment (without getting spoiler-y): I'm not sure it's even possible to give Star Wars spoilers. I mean, unless you've been living under a rock or are under a year old or something (In which case, I doubt you're reading this review. You'd be super genius smart!), you've heard or seen this tale in one way or another. If you haven't, then this is the perfect time to start, but I digress. It's hard to pick a favorite moment in this because it's all so fantastic, but the trash compacter scene is probably at the top of my list. Our three heroes are in danger of being flattened alive in a giant garbage disposal, and you really get to see how each reacts under pressure and how they interact with each other. Plus, trash monster!
Star rating (where 5 stars is awesome and 0 stars is atrocious): All the stars in a galaxy far, far away! (plus 3 stars for the second book, The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? by Adam Gidwitz, and 5 stars for the third book, Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! by Tom Angleberger)
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