Title: Queen of Hearts: The Crown (Volume One)
Author: Colleen Oakes
Pages: 205
Publisher: SparkPress
Publication Date: February 14, 2014
AR Levels: TBD
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20410977-queen-of-hearts
In a nutshell: Princess Dinah of Wonderland is destined to be the Queen of Hearts, but her road to the throne is shaping up to be a rocky one. Her father, the King of Hearts, is truly evil, and it's unclear whether his attitude toward her is disappointment or pure hate, and when he reveals a sinister part of his past, their relationship will become even more hurtful and complicated. The bright spot in Dinah's life is her childhood friend, Wardley, a stable boy studying to be the Knave of Hearts. He's always been her most trusted confidant, and now Dinah longs for him to be more than her friend. In a crazy, mixed-up world that threatens to break her, Dinah must decide what kind of ruler she will be one day...and what kind of woman. Will this princess become a villain, will villainy be thrust upon her, or will she rise above it?
I'd recommend it to grades: 10 and up
I'd recommend it to: students who are looking for a more mature Wonderland story and fans of Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (Dinah reminds me a lot of Regina.)
What I liked most about this book:
A dark
and painful view of Wonderland is brewing in this first book of a
trilogy, and while the main character definitely has her flaws, you
can't help but root for her and hope that she won't end up being who we
all know she is in the end. Wonderland has always been a twisted place,
but this takes its insanity to a ruthless yet mesmerizing new place. I
think I know where the story is going next, but I'm interested in seeing
if I'm right.
Single favorite moment (without getting spoiler-y): In a land that's drearier than any other version of Wonderland I've ever read, the scene where Dinah is walking through the pink snow to the stables is a beautiful respite. It's an important reminder that there is beauty in this painful life she leads, and in that moment, she chooses to see it.
Star rating (where 5 stars is awesome and 0 stars is atrocious): 4 stars
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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