Title: A Little in Love
Author: Susan Fletcher
Pages: 288
Publisher: Chicken House
ISBN: 9780545829601
Publication Date: August 25, 2015*
AR Levels: TBD
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24612579-a-little-in-love
In a nutshell: One of Les Miserables' most endearing characters tells you her side of this epic classic, and it's a quiet but powerfully emotional one. See the world through the eyes of Eponine.
I'd recommend this book to grades: 8 and up
I'd recommend this book to: fans of Les Miserables (book, musical, or movies), high school English teachers, and historical fiction lovers
What I liked most about this book:
Oh, y'all...this book
will warm your heart and also break it into little pieces. I've been
waiting for something like this since I first became familiar with Les Miserables
(I'm more familiar with the musical and movies than the book.). Eponine
is by far my favorite character, and this little book tells her story
beautifully. It's a tale about how a little girl who was never loved
learns what love looks like and learns to love herself. Even if you're completely unfamiliar with the story of Les Mis, you might find yourself relating to Eponine's search for love anyway. There are plenty of universal themes woven into this sweet, heartbreaking, and heroic tale of unrequited love and friendship. And just look at that cover! She's begging to be loved. Quite clever and beautiful. Read it on a rainy day
while listening to the Les Mis soundtrack. Now where is the Enjolras book?
Single favorite moment (without getting spoiler-y): "Even the dirtiest things can be lovely, underneath." -Eponine to Marius. This book is full of thought-provoking gems like that, and the writing style is gorgeous.
Star rating (where 5 stars is awesome and 0 stars is atrocious): 5 stars...This I swear by the staaaaaars!!! (You didn't think I'd get all the way through this post without at least one musical reference, did you?) ;)
*Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for a digital ARC.