Title: The Vanishing Season
Author: Jodi Lynn Anderson
Pages: 256
Publisher: HarperTeen
ISBN: 9780062003270
Publication Date: July 1, 2014
AR Levels: TBD
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18634726-the-vanishing-season
In a nutshell: Maggie and her parents move to the small town of Gill Creek just as autumn is fading into winter, and as it disappears, so are local girls. Amid a backdrop of snow, fear, and paranoia, friendship and love blossom on Water Street when Maggie meets her neighbors, Pauline and Liam, but the trio will discover just how harsh winter and relationships can be.
I'd recommend it to grades: 10 and up
I'd recommend it to: anyone who likes their romance with a dash of eeriness and fans of We Were Liars
What I liked most about this book: Besides the fact that I am always, always, always enamored with Jodi Lynn Anderson's haunting writing style (If you haven't read Tiger Lily, DO IT NOW!), this one drew me in with its rich characters and keep-you-guessing twists. It's a beautifully disturbing mash-up of The Great Gatsby and The Lovely Bones. There's a coldness to it that lures you from page one. I feel like I read it in the wrong season though. It's the perfect read for a long winter's night or a snow day.
Single favorite moment (without getting spoiler-y): There's way too much to accidentally give away here, so I'll just say that part of what grabbed me from the beginning was the description of Maggie's house on Water Street, which was built in the 1800s and, much like the characters in the novel, is both broken and beautiful.
Star rating (where 5 stars is awesome and 0 stars is atrocious): 4 stars